Studies show patients who regularly visit their primary care physicians end up with lower health care costs and better health outcomes. This is why you should have an experienced and trustworthy primary care physician to support your health and wellbeing.
Finding the right primary care physician is not easy. The truth is, not all primary care physicians are created equal. The primary care physician nearest you is not necessarily the best match for you. Choosing the right primary care physician takes time. So, how do you find a primary care physician who is perfect for you? Here are a few things to look out for when meeting with a potential primary care physician.
Is The Doctor a Good Listener Who Takes Time With Patients?
Yes, doctors are busy, and they see many patients every day. However, you want to choose a primary care physician who really listens to you and takes time to get the big picture, health-wise speaking. Otherwise, how can the doctor help you reach your health goals and make recommendations on disease prevention and reduction of risks? The last thing you need is a doctor who trivializes your concerns. You will typically be able to assess this quality as early as your initial consultation. Are you feeling rushed? Are your concerns or comments going ignored or unaddressed? If so, it is best to continue on with your search.
Does The Doctor Make You Feel Comfortable?
The relationship you build with a primary care physician is ideally a long-term one. He or she should know your medical history, symptoms, and concerns. Can you picture building an honest, long-term relationship with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable? The wrong match could result in uncomfortable or infrequent doctor visits that can compromise your health goals. You want someone with whom you can be comfortable so that you can talk about all your health concerns. If you’re not comfortable, you’re going to end up skipping regular visits or omitting symptoms and questions.
How Soon Can You Get an Appointment?
You may have found the perfect primary care physician, but if you cannot get an appointment for the next three months, it’s not good. You should look for a physician with reasonable availability so that when the need arises, you can quickly get access to them. During the initial consultation, ask your doctor how long the typical wait time is to get an appointment.
Does the Doctor Have Emergency Availability and the Ability to Provide Concierge Care?
Primary care physicians have their own policies for after-hours needs and emergency visits. For instance, if you have a health emergency or need immediate health advice, would you be able to call, text, or email the doctor? The best primary care physicians can provide medical attention and care even outside regular hours. Primary care physicians that offer concierge care are usually able to do this. They offer care on a 24-hour basis, so you have a doctor on call whenever the need arises.
Concierge Primary Care Physician in Arizona
Dr. Robert Lending, a board-certified internal medicine doctor and clinical lipidologist serve the health care needs of patients in Tucson, Arizona.
Dr. Lending treats patients like family and takes time to listen to your health concerns, worries, and anxieties, so he can provide you with better and personalized medical care.
Separate from his primary care practice, Dr. Lending provides concierge care for patients who want 24-hour access to primary care. Find out how Dr. Lending can help you. To schedule a consultation, call (520) 795-4291 or request an appointment now.